Our mission statement:
Gather in Grace. Grow in Faith. Go in Service.
What Lutherans Believe
Word Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone

Lutherans claim our beliefs from the common Christian Faith described in the New Testament and first summarized in the Apostle’s Creed.  The heart of this “Good News” is that in love God accepts us for Christ’s sake and not because of our so called “good deeds."  By God’s acts of forgiveness and renewal in Jesus Christ we are freed from both the guilt and the power of sin. This means that we give final and complete loyalty to Jesus as Lord of life and death, and the Savior of all.  The Church then, is forgiven people who know that Christ can change the weariness and hunger of life and fills its days with rich and satisfying abundance. Since this Good News is for all  people, Christ’s church is also for all people.  Lutherans, therefore, work hard at being an inclusive church where all are welcome without distinction of any kind.  At Agnus Dei, we are such Lutherans, and welcome you. To learn more about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the denomination to which we belong, click here.

2023 ADLC Annual Report