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On January 19th the Green Team is sponsoring another “hard-to-recycle-item drop-off day.” On that day you can drop off any items listed below (sorted by the categories listed) to the church.  Green Team members will then transport those items to the appropriate recycling center. We will have containers to drop the respective items into. Sorting them in your own bags, cardboard boxes, etc. will help your and the Green Team’s separation process. This is one way we can reduce the load on our landfills and get items back into the useful cycle of our lives. One of the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). Mother Earth, God’s creation, deserves that sort of care. Join us to make this happen. 

¨ Plastics labeled 1 through 7 (look for the triangle symbol with the number in it).  Separate by number (but keep clamshells separate from other #1 items)

¨ Fluorescent lightbulbs

¨ Batteries (separate by alkaline, Ni-Cad, Lithium; further separate corroded batteries in baggies)

¨ Plastic lids

¨ Styrofoam blocks and foam blocks

¨ Loose metal - e.g. screws, nails, lids, etc. – can include small metal tools and scraps

¨ Printer and toner cartridges

¨ Cell phones and chargers

¨ Electronic cords, Holiday lights

¨ Glass bottles of any color – separate by color

¨ Shredded paper (in a paper bag)

¨ Plastic bags, bubble wrap

¨ Cardboard

¨ FDS and LDPE foam blocks


Also: Undamaged..


¨ Televisions

¨ Computers

¨ Laptops

¨ Monitors

¨ Tablets

¨ E-readers

¨ Portable DVD players

¨ Keyboards

¨ Printers

¨ Small metal appliances

¨ Home phones