Recently there was a meme on social media that said:
“A Jew, a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and an Atheist walk into a bar…then they talk, laugh, drink and become great friends. It’s not a joke, it’s what happens when you are not a jerk.”
This meme illustrates what the local Theology on Tap group is all about: “conversations at the intersection of faith and life.” Theology on Tap is a nation-wide movement that brings conversations about important issues to where average people are: restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and pubs. Why should you be interested? Because none of our beliefs exist in a vacuum. Rather, there is a cultural, intellectual, philosophical, historical, and religious context that forms a framework for what we believe. All too often we go about our religious life with little thought given to the context. The conversations that occur at Theology on Tap explore this context and help participants (both religious and nonreligious alike) understand more clearly both what they do believe and what they don’t believe. Conversations at Theology on Tap are low-key, cover a wide range of topics, are non-proselytizing, but always interesting. Topics and guest speakers are announced in advance via email. You don’t have to have any theological expertise to participate – just a curious and open mind. So if you have more questions than answers, please join us on the third Thursday of each month.