
We are so glad you are considering worshiping with us. You will be greeted at the door with a warm welcome and an usher will provide you with a bulletin that will serve as your guide for worship.

Visitors are invited to sign our guest book in the narthex.

Worship at Agnus Dei is many things:

  • Liturgical - we follow the ancient pattern of 'gather, meal, word, sending.'
  • Purposeful - prayers, songs, and all we do in worship connect us to the Scripture readings of the day.
  • Musical - Agnus Dei is blessed with many gifted musicians.  At each service you will hear organ and piano, and a variety of musical styles. ·        
  • Reverent AND Joyful - We take worship seriously but are quick to share laughter and have fun!

Receiving Communion

Holy Communion is served every Sunday.  We invite all persons who seek God's grace through the bread and wine to share this meal, regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof.  We offer grape juice as an alternative to wine and the bread is gluten free. Children are invited to receive communion or a blessing.


Everyone is invited to the Parish Hall for fellowship after the service. 

Worshiping with small children?

Children are not the church of the future; they are a part of the present church!  We encourage children to be an active part of worship.  Know that they are most welcome along with all their wiggles and noises!  Some families find it helpful to sit near the front as it allows children to see and hear more clearly.  Some prefer to sit at the back near our children's worship center where activity bags, children's bulletins and coloring materials may be found. From September through May we offer a program for children ages three through ten during Sunday worship called "Front Room Kids." Children are invited to gather in a separate room for a bible story and related activities. They will return to the sanctuary during the offertory to be present for Communion and the remainder of the service.

Come as you are!

There is no dress code at Agnus Dei. You will see folks in three-piece suits and in t-shirt-and-jeans. Dress as is comfortable for you and know that you will be warmly welcomed and accepted by God and by everyone at worship. However, Agnus Dei is a fragrance-free facility. We do ask that you refrain from wearing perfume or cologne and using scented lotions or soaps out of care for others with sentivities to fragrances or other chemicals. This is one small way we show our love for one another as the body of Christ!