The congregation of Agnus Dei Lutheran Church celebrates the amazing diversity of God’s beloved children. We welcome all, regardless of age, ethnicity, abilities, faith background, race, family configuration, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. We enthusiastically invite you into this worshipping congregation as we strive to share God’s inclusive love with everyone in our community and in our world.

                                                                                                              Agnus Dei's Welcome Statement adopted May 20, 2018

June may be pride month, but every month is a time of recognition and celebration for those who know themselves as children of God under the colorful banner of LGBTQIA+, or straight. We give God thanks for having an eye for variety, arms for welcome and support, and a heart that holds each and every creature under heaven in tenderness and grace.

We are part of the Circle of Welcome Refugee Resettlement Program

We are a recognized Reconciling in Christ Congregation


Rooted in the Word and grounded in prayer, we share our membership in the Beloved Community with all people, affirming that God’s love, justice, and mercy belong to everyone without exception.  Aware of our failure to recognize the structures and systems contributing to racial injustice and inequality and acknowledging our role in maintaining these injustices, we confess and repent of the harm we have done.  We commit to listen to the voices of the oppressed and marginalized, to educate ourselves more fully, to engage in work to end racism, to promote social justice, and to support others who seek to make a difference in the struggle for equity and justice.  This is our lifetime commitment.

Statement on Racial Justice approved by the congregation on Nov. 17, 2020
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As a community of faith, we affirm that all of God’s creation is sacred, acknowledging that our very breath and nourishment come from Mother Earth. We are thus called to live fully in relationship and harmony with her, to lovingly care for what God has made. With attention, intention, and action, we choose to work individually and communally towards conserving, protecting, and restoring the created world as we also work to deconstruct the systems threatening her very existence and health.  

The Violence of Climate Change, A Lecture by Dr. Kevin O'Brien


Together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with nearly 3.3 million members in more than 8,900 worshiping communities across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region.

We are what God has made us – people whom God has created by grace to live in union with Jesus Christ and has prepared to live faithful, fruitful lives by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:8-10). In Jesus Christ, God has reconciled us to God and to each other. As we gather around word and sacraments, this life in Christ is what defines, shapes and guides us as a community of faith, the church.



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